List of the best Polish universities

Wroclaw Wrocław University of Economics

The Wrocław University of Economics (founded in 1947-Polish Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu) employs 780 academic teachers including 140 professors and has about 17.000 students, including 300 foreign students. WUE is ranked as the 4th best Polish University of Economics.

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Wroclaw Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences

The Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences (founded in 1951) is one of the leading agricultural university in Poland. The Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences employs about 1,700 people, including 240 professors. There are about 10,700 students there studying a wide range of degree courses in agriculture and related areas.

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Wroclaw Wrocław University of Technology

The Wrocław University of Technology (Polish: Politechnika Wrocławska) founded in 1910 is one of the leading institutes of technology in Poland, and one of the largest in Central Europe (34.000 students, 2000 academic teachers). There are 12 faculties covering almost all fields of science and technology. Curricula are linked to scientific research on new technologies carried out at the Wrocław University of Technology, such as: nanotechnology, biotechnology, telecommunication, teleinformatics and information systems. Students can design their study path and specialty choosing optional courses corresponding to their individual interests.

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